
APR (Annual percentage rate)

A year-to-year interest rate that is generated without compounding.

APY (Annual percentage yield)

The real rate of return earned on an investment, taking into account the effect of compounding interest. Compounding interest is calculated periodically and the amount is immediately added to the balance.

With r being the period rate and n the number of compounding periods, we can obtain the APY through this formula:



A smart contract audit is an extensive methodical examination and analysis of a smart contract's code used to interact with a cryptocurrency or blockchain. This process is conducted to discover errors, issues and security vulnerabilities in the code in order to suggest improvements and ways to fix them.

Automated market maker (AMM)

In a decentralized exchange, an automated market maker (AMM) facilitates the buy and sell orders automatically. AMM works by using self-executing computer programs, also known as smart contracts. AMM eliminates the need for an additional participant when making a trade. Buyers and sellers can instead trade directly with an AMM and its algorithm.


A blockchain is a peer-to-peer ledger of all transactions across a network.

Bonding curve

A mathematical curve used by some automated market maker (AMM) protocols to determine the price of tokens based on their supply and demand, often used in decentralized token sales or token minting processes.


A technology that connects different blockchains, allowing assets to be transferred between them.


A collection of data, including transactions and other information, that is added to a blockchain once it has been verified and cryptographically secured.

Buy back & burn

A process where a portion of the cryptocurrency's supply is used to buy back the tokens from the market and then burn (destroy) them, reducing the total supply and applying continuous buying pressure.

Cancel redeem

An option for users to stop the redeeming process at any time, resulting in the retrieval of the initial amount of xASTR and no ASTR being received.


The ability of a system or protocol to be combined and interact with other systems or protocols in a modular and flexible manner.

Contract address

The contract address is where the token contract is located or where a smart contract that manages token holders' balances is located.

Concentrated liquidity

A (AMM) feature that allows liquidity providers to define custom price ranges for their assets, focusing liquidity within specific price bands.

Conversion ratio

The proportion at which one token or currency can be exchanged for another.

Cold storage

The practice of keeping private keys for cryptocurrency wallets offline, typically on a hardware device.

Core contributors

Key members of a project who contribute to its development and growth.

CEX (Centralized exchange)

A cryptocurrency exchange that is operated by a central authority, responsible for managing user funds and facilitating trades between users.


Decentralized Web3 software application that normally runs on a blockchain.

DAO (Decentralized autonomous organization)

Governance mechanism where votes make decisions, and where voting rights are most of the time materialized by a governance token (xASTR in our case)


The process of withdrawing xASTR from a Plugin, potentially triggering a tax or fee.

Deallocation tax

A fee imposed when deallocating xASTR from a Plugin, which is expressed as a percentage and automatically burned, further reducing the supply of ASTR.


Stands for decentralized finance.

DEX (Decentralized Exchange)

A decentralized exchange (DEX) is a peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace that connects cryptocurrency buyers and sellers. In contrast to centralized exchanges (CEXs), decentralized platforms are non-custodial, meaning a user remains in control of their private keys when transacting on a DEX platform.

Dividends plugin

Handles the allocation of dividend rewards to users.

Dynamic directional fees

Provide the flexibility to reward pairs separately based on the volatility or stability of their assets, as well as on the structure of protocols and their own custom needs.

Directional & dynamic volatility fees

A fee structure that automatically adjusts based on the underlying volatility of the assets in a liquidity pool.

Emission rate

The speed at which new tokens or coins are created and distributed, typically determined by the underlying consensus mechanism.

Elastic supply token

A token with a supply that automatically adjusts in response to changes in demand or other predetermined factors, aiming to maintain price stability.


ERC-20 is the technical standard for fungible tokens created using the Ethereum blockchain.


The ERC-721 (NFT) Token is unique and can have a different value from another Token in the same smart contract.


A third-party service or smart contract that temporarily holds funds or assets on behalf of two parties during a transaction, releasing them only when the agreed-upon conditions are met.

Fair Launch

A transparent and equitable token distribution process without preferential treatment for certain participants, such as pre-sales or venture capital investments.

Flash loan

A DeFi feature that enables users to borrow assets without collateral for a very short period, typically within a single blockchain transaction, with the loan being repaid instantly at the end of the transaction.

Fully diluted valuation (FDV)

The valuation of a project based on the current price of its token and the total supply of tokens, including those not yet in circulation.

Gas fees

A gas fee is charged for the facilitation of a transaction on a blockchain network.

Governance and governance tokens

Governance refers to determining, maintaining, adapting and enforcing the rules of an ecosystem, product, project, or DAO. It specifically refers to the control and use of a Governance token that carries the right to take part in governance processes.


A predetermined maximum limit on the total supply of a cryptocurrency, set by the developers to control inflation and scarcity.

Impermanent Loss

A user may incur an impermanent loss when he or she locks up crypto tokens in a liquidity pool for the purpose of providing liquidity and earning interest, but the token's price changes due to market volatility or other factors.


Third-party entities or services that facilitate transactions between two or more parties.

Layer 1 & 2 (L1 & L2)

A Layer 2 protocol applies to off-chain networks that are built on top of Layer 1 networks in order to enhance the capabilities of the underlying Layer 1 networks. For example: Ethereum (L1) - Arbitrum (L2)


A platform allows projects to launch their tokens and bootstrap liquidity in a decentralized and community-driven manner.

Limit orders

A type of order in which a trader specifies the price at which they are willing to buy or sell an asset, allowing for greater control over trade execution.


The term liquidity refers to the ease with which a token can be converted into another asset without impacting its value. Liquidity measures the circulating supply and how much trading activity there is in exchange. A currency with low supply and/or circulation is said to be illiquid. Low liquidity levels cause market volatility, resulting in spikes in token prices. A high level of liquidity, however, indicates a stable market with few price fluctuations.

Liquidity mining

Liquidity mining involves placing tokens into a DeFi protocol in order to provide liquidity while receiving rewards for the stakes placed.

Liquidity pool

A Liquidity Pool (LP) is a pool of deposited funds used to provide liquidity for smart contracts.

LP token & Liquidity providers

A Liquidity Pool (LP) is a pool of deposited funds used to provide liquidity for smart contracts. Liquidity providers contribute to the liquidity pools by depositing assets and receiving in exchange a new token representing the share they own of that pool. This token is called a Liquidity Provider (LP) token.


Transactions or operations that occur directly on a blockchain network, as opposed to off-chain transactions, which take place outside the main chain through sidechains or Layer-2 solutions.

Optimistic rollup

A smart contract-based scaling solution that bundles multiple transactions into a single transaction, reducing computation time and gas consumption.


Data providers that connect blockchain networks to real-world information, such as price feeds or other external data, allow smart contracts to interact with and react to events outside the blockchain.

Multisig wallet

A multi-sig wallet requires two or more private keys to sign transactions.


A working, fully-functional blockchain is referred to as the main net.

Market Cap

The total value of all outstanding tokens or coins of a cryptocurrency is calculated by multiplying the current price by the circulating supply.


A feature of decentralized networks and platforms that allows anyone to participate without the need for approval or authorization from a central authority.


A module within the ecosystem that serves a specific function or interacts with the token in a particular way.


A DeFi protocol is a program or code written on the blockchain that is used for designing DApps. The protocol is represented by DApps that offer peer-to-peer financial services.

Price impact

The effect of a trade on the price of an asset in a liquidity pool is determined by the size of the trade relative to the pool's total liquidity.

Real yield

A term used to describe earnings generated from a protocol's revenue and distributed to token holders.

Rebase token

A type of cryptocurrency whose supply adjusts automatically based on a predetermined metric, such as the price of another asset, in order to achieve price stability.


The process of exchanging a token or currency for another, with certain conditions applied, such as vesting.


Slippage refers to a difference in price between buyer and seller expectations. Slippage can lead to a final sale price of the asset that is either more or less than the requested transaction amount.

Smart contract

The term smart contract refers to a program that is designed to automate the execution, control, or documentation of legally binding events according to a contract or an agreement.


A stablecoin is a cryptocurrency that has its value pegged to the value of a stable asset. Stablecoins are most commonly pegged to the US Dollar.

Stable pair

A type of token pair in which the assets have strongly correlated price movements, often aiming to maintain a 1:1 transfer ratio.


The act of depositing tokens into a yield farming protocol.


With a swap, you can instantly exchange one token for another without needing to exchange it for fiat currency.


Testing network for a new product or project, or for possible improvements to an existing product.


Among the factors that determine tokenomics are the number of tokens circulating, the maximum token supply, the rate at which tokens are emitted, and the vesting schedule for tokens.

Token allocation

The distribution plan for a project's tokens, including details on the total supply, initial distribution, and any reserved or locked tokens.

Token Burn

The process of permanently removing a certain amount of tokens from circulation, often with the goal of reducing supply and increasing the value of the remaining tokens.

Trade routing

The process of finding the most efficient path for a swap between two assets on a decentralized exchange, often involving multiple intermediate trades to minimize slippage and maximize returns.

TGE (Token generation event)

An event where a project's tokens are created and distributed to participants, such as an initial coin offering (ICO) or initial DEX offering (IDO).

TVL (Total Value Locked)

This metric represents the sum of all assets deposited in the protocol.

UniV2 & 3

A reference to Uniswap V2 & 3


A smart contract-based solution that automates yield farming strategies by pooling user funds, optimizing asset allocation, and distributing rewards.


A mechanism that locks up tokens or assets for a specified period, releasing them according to a predetermined schedule or after certain conditions are met.

Vesting duration

The length of time that tokens or assets are locked up during the vesting process.

Volatile pair

A type of token pair in which the assets have uncorrelated or weakly correlated price movements


A measure of the degree of price fluctuations in a financial instrument.

Wrapped tokens

Tokenized versions of existing cryptocurrencies enable cross-chain compatibility, allowing users to interact with different blockchain networks using a single token.


The yield is the amount earned by staking or depositing an asset in a DeFi platform.

Yield farming

Yield farming accounts for depositing or staking tokens across DeFi platforms which provide rewards to liquidity providers. You can generate additional value from your assets by farming them.

Yield aggregator

A DeFi platform or tool that automatically allocates user funds to various yield farming opportunities, aiming to optimize returns by constantly monitoring and rebalancing investments.

Last updated